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Click on the underlined titles below to download each individual manual as a PDF file.

Note: PDF files require Acrobat Reader (TM), which you can download from http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html 

Lathe Tutorial Manual 
Color manual that includes nine projects you can use to teach yourself how to program CNCs using G-ZERO.  (Download G-ZERO Lathe Student Version if you don't already have it).

Lathe Reference - Basics 
This manual contains information about the basic operation of G-ZERO Conversational CAM Software for Lathes.

Lathe Reference - Commands 
Detail information on all commands used in G-ZERO Conversational CAM Software for Lathes.

Lathe - CAD Reader 
Reference information and sample programs on how to import CAD/DXF files into your source programs.

Lathe - Live Tooling 
Live Tooling commands and sample programming: end-milling, cross-milling, end-drilling, cross-drilling.

Lathe - Power Tips 
Five pages of information on Roughing and Pipe Threading.

Lathe - Quick Reference Card 
This Quick Reference Card contains a list of all Lathe commands as well as a list of funcion keys, source editing shortcuts, CAD Import sequence, and reference for programming Groove, SuperRough, and Pipe Threading.
