Want a quick easy way to stay thoroughly backed up in case of computer failure?
Windows 98's built-in backup
Look at Start|Programs|Accessories|System Tools|Backup (you may have to install it
from your Windows98 CD)
Mehul's Backup
Norton Zip Rescue
Symantec Corp.: www.symantec.com
Pact Software: www.pact.de
PROFIL32.ZIP ($14)
Second Copy 97
Centered Systems: www.centered.com
SECOPY.ZIP ($29.95)
Try carrying your source data out of the building at least once a week. Some people use tape backup. We at Rapid Output use several methods including a CD disk we burn every month and store off-site. We also use a remote PC, which we backup to right over the Internet (see below).
Also remember that your Electronic or Priority Support subscription includes storage of an emergency backup copy of your G-ZERO CAM System and posts (as long as you've sent us current copies of your posts).
Let the phone carry your data to a safe, off-site vault every day by using a service that lets you store data on their hard drive, thousands of miles away. Here are a few examples:
Atrieva Internet FileZone
(888) 287-4382 -- $5.00 per month for up to 50MB
(800) 538-2000 -- $99.00 per year for 100MB
Compaq Online.backup
(800) 282-6672 -- $20.00 per month for 1GB
Connected Online Backup
(800) 647-3078 -- $20.00 per month per client computer
SafeGuard Interactive Backup
(800) 510-5003 -- $10.00 per month for unlimited storage