- Easy to learn and put to work in your shop.
- 3,500 satisfied G-ZERO users worldwide (and climbing).
- Any control, virtually any canned cycle. Just fax us a sample of how you would
like it.
- No more math! Eliminate trig and geometry with our built-in math phobia features.
- DXF and DWG files imported with just a few clicks.
- Verify toolpath instantly with 3D wireframe AND solid model. Click on any feature
in the picture to find and highlight its command code.
- Powerful roughing cycles: Standard G71/G72, Multiple undercuts, Cast boundaries.
- Powerful grooving cycles: Corner breaking, Tapered walls, Rough and finish.
- Powerful threading cycles: Tapered, Angled in/outfeed, Calcs min start/stop dist,
Calcs safe RPM.
- Long filenames.
- On-line help system with programming tips.
- Includes FREE WinLauncher: communicates with your CNCs and interfaces with other
programs on your computer or network.
Click HERE for G-ZERO
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